20849 Capital Avenue NE, Battle Creek, MI 49017 | Today's Hours: Closed Today | 269-964-0966

20849 Capital Avenue NE, Battle Creek, MI 49017 | Today's Hours: Closed Today | 269-964-0966

New Clients

New Clients

New Clients & Referrals

Interested in becoming a client of Pennfield Animal Hospital?  Please give us a call at 269-964-0966 to see if we are accepting new patients.  If our schedule permits, then we can send you a link to our new client form and an account can be created for your pet.

Unfortunately, we are not an Emergency Hospital and those situations will be referred to the nearest clinic that is best equipped to handle the medical needs of your pet.

If you are new to the area and would like a tour of our practice prior to scheduling your visit, just let us know and one of our friendly staff would be happy to show you around!