20849 Capital Avenue NE, Battle Creek, MI 49017 | Today's Hours: Closed Today | 269-964-0966

20849 Capital Avenue NE, Battle Creek, MI 49017 | Today's Hours: Closed Today | 269-964-0966



Keep Your Pet Healthy with Routine Wellness Visits

Just as you visit your doctor once a year for a complete check-over to make sure that you are healthy, your pets – as members of your family – should also be checked over for any underlying illness. Sometimes changes in your pet’s health come on gradually so you might not realize that they are occurring. Your Battle Creek area veterinarian, as a trained professional, is often able to detect these changes with a comprehensive physical examination. If something is amiss, we can make recommendations for further diagnostic workup or suggest how to monitor for further changes in health. Often, catching a disease early can make the difference between a shortened lifespan with a lessened quality of life for your pet and being able to do something to improve their condition.

Preventative Medicine for your Pet

Preventative medicine implies doing something to keep your pets healthy in the first place rather than just treating them when they are ill and the damage is done.  This includes the proper use of immunizations to prevent common infectious diseases, products to prevent disease-producing parasites (fleas, ticks, heartworms, intestinal parasites), and patient-specific preventative needs – such as prevention of painful tooth disease and skin problems. And just because a pet is strictly indoors does not mean that they are not at risk of these diseases.  Ask your veterinarian what preventative measures will best keep your pet from getting ill.

Call our Veterinary practice today to schedule a wellness visit for your pet – it might be the single best thing you can do for your furry friend!